Great Lakes Bonding & Insurance - Allegan
If you have found us here, we are sure you have had better days. Don't worry, we understand and will do everything we can to help you through this.
If this is the first time you have ever called bonding agency, you have called the right place.
We will take the time to guide you and we will be with you through the entire process until we get your loved one home. We will be right there with you, even at the jail.
We have been helping people just like you for over 35 years and we understand exactly what you are going through. We know you did not sleep last night. We know how it feels to get that call.
It can happen to anyone. There is no reason to be ashamed. We're just glad you found us!
We realize it is much easier said than done but try to relax now. We will take care of you. We're ready to help you NOW and we never close.
Rest assured, we will do everything within our means to helo you right now. Not later. Not tomorrow. Today. NOW.
We take all forms of payment. Checks, credit cards, Western Union, Com Checks....
No bond is too small for us either. Who are we to judge?
Great Lakes Bonding
151 Riverfront Plaza
Allegan MI 49010
Tel: 269 673-7004
